Hi, I’m Paulo Chaves

I’m a Software Engineer. I’m looking forward to sharing my experience with programming and cycling with you.

Declaring Variables in Go

Go as a statically typed language requires the developer to set the type of a variable when declaring one. var age int Declaring a variable means allocating some space in memory to store some value of a given type. In Go you start with the keyword var followed by the name and its type. In the example above the variable age was given an integer type int but was not initialized explicitly....

March 1, 2024 · 3 min

Coding With Copilot on Neovim + AstroNvim

Introduction I have been using neovim for a long time and it is indeed my favorite text editor so far. There is another one that I really like and is really popular these days, it’s called VSCode. I have thought about switching to VSCode to write code fulltime but I am unable since I cannot exit Vim. I feel much more confortable writing code with neovim on the terminal with tmux to manage multiple windows than on VSCode and I have tried using some vim plugin on VSCode that would allow me to take advantage of vim features but I did not really like the experience....

December 29, 2023 · 4 min

Handling Reference to Loop Iterator Variable in Go

Introduction Go is a statically typed compiled programmin language that was created by Google back in 2009. Since Go is a very generic world if you search for Go on Google you are going to get a lot of results that have nothing to do with the awesome Go programming language. To avoid that issue people, when searching things related to programming use golang and some people think the name of the language is that one because it is so common on Google, but that is not the case, the real name of the programming language is just Go....

December 7, 2022 · 8 min